
How do I break the habit of eating late at night?

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Im terrible with my eating habits...although there is no reason why I have to eat late (eg job,lifestyle) I still always choose to eat the majority of my daily food intake from about 6 int he evening onwards. I really really wanna break this as its giving me tummy aches when I go to bed. any tips?




  1. sleeping  or just take ur mind off of food it is better to relax or watch tv then eating all the time      u need to  have fun and not be bored   go hicking u can't find any food in the woods  

  2. make sure you eat a big breakfast - that seems to really help me not eat so much junk food at night.

  3. If you find out, let me know, I have the same problem.  I think i eat late out of bordem.

  4. Eat consistently throughout the day so that your not inclined to eat large amounts of food at night.

    Also, after you've had your dinner at a normal time - brush your teeth - then you won't want to eat as the food tastes weird then..

    just pack up the kitchen and put everything away and try not to buy things which you can easily snack on as this is a huge temptation..

    remember: food cravings on average last about 2 minutes at the most so if you can wait that length hopefully the hunger will past.

    But I'd definitely try the brushing teeth strategy - worked for me :)

    Good Luck :)

  5. have some chewy gum or just snack on like a salad with just lettuce or some fruit. Drink lots of water and keep yourself entertained. Do something active and keep yourself busy so you dont eat! Keep your mind off food as much as you can. Organise something to do in the nights like go out with your friends or join a club or do anything !! good luck

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