
How do I break up with a girl without her getting depressed?

by Guest60558  |  earlier

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We're both 14 and have been going out for about 6-7 months. She is very emotional and might be depressed if I break up with her. I want to stay close friends because that's what I think we're better off as. How do I do this? Her parents hate me and technically i'm breaking her heart so people will hate me. How do I maybe get her to break up with me? HELP!




  1. I had the same problem man. But I got through it. Here's how.

    Ok first you need too find a time when she's in a good mood.nows when u say " look, is it okay if were just friends?" now is when you blame yourself . U blame urself or being a bad boyfriend. Glad to help!!!

  2. tell her that u think u should just be friends and be honest with her. or find another guy for her and get her to go out with someone else.

  3. Dont get her to break up with you. thats just stupid. i'm 15 so take it from someone who knows what you mean and the same aged people. As long as you and her are friends afterwards and she is okay with everything, her friends should be okay with it. Tell her how you feel and whatever you do say it in person. I hated it when my boyfriend broke up with me over myspace..ugh! Never do it over the computer and try not to over the phone. Simply tell her its not working out as a relationship, but it would make you really happy if the two of you could stay friends. tell her the truth, although it doesnt always seem like the best way to go, it is.

  4. Your 14? She'll get over it, fast. Just tell her that you guys are too young to be dating.. you want to experience as much as you can at this time in your life. Tell her you want to be friends.. but honestly, it might be hard to JUST be friends. Just tell her that you still care, but think your better off as JUST friends on account of you guys are too young.

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