
How do I breath when I'm running?

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I usually breath through my mouth but it ends up hurting my chest. Am I doing something wrong?




  1. Breathe in your nose and out your mouth. This makes you not pant as much, and regulates your breathing. It may seem hard at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's a lot easier. You will be able to run for longer amounts of time without running out of breathe or getting tired as easily.

    Remember, nice, deep, slow breathes through your nose, and slowly let it out through your mouth.

    Edit: irishrunner1 is wrong. You may need oxygen, but breathing through your mouth will only make you tired faster. It takes a little practice and getting used to breathing in your nose and out your mouth, so you may need to take it slow the first few times. But other than that, it's the BEST way to regulate your breathing.

  2. i have no idea but i wish i knew how too its like i hold my breath when im running

  3. Breathe through the nose, itll seem weird at first but it wont hurt your chest or give you cramps. also when your done running breathe through your nose as well because youll recover faster, hope that helps!

  4. Out of your nose. It may seem hard but if you open your mouth your chest will hurt like you said. Just try and breathe out your nose and you will get used to it. I hope I helped :)

  5. in though ur mouth out though your nose if that dose not work do the other way

  6. breathing through your mouth is the most efficient way to breathe when running. people may say "in your nose and out your mouth" but they are wrong because you need to get as much oxygen as possible in as short a time as possible. you may be laboring or forcing your breathing. try to keep a steady, relaxed breathing pattern which should help. your body knows how it wants to breathe for any given effort level, so try not to think about it.

  7. well i have Asama what i do i keep trying to breath threw my nose it helps me

  8. in and out

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