
How do I breed crickets?

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I want to breed crickets. What are the steps to do it, and what do I need? I have a $10 budget. Any other info will help as well. Thanks!




  1. Get a big, plastic tub. Stick some broken egg cartons in there. Buy some crickets and put them inside. Feed them pieces of raw potato. Put in some damp sponges inside for them to lay their eggs in. But before I did any of this, I would check it out online and do a little research.

  2. Well get a few crickets stick 'em in a box or container with grass and leaves. Put airholes in the box or container.

    There's a 50/50  chance that some of the crickets are female and some are male.


    Here is a lovely site on breeding crickets and everything you will need.

  4. With only $10 it's not going to be easy.

    First thing you need, depending on how many you want to raise, is a large container with a "metal screened" in lid. You could use a 30 gallon trash can with a large hole cut in the lid and screened over, like I did. Opened cardboard egg containers are  good surfaces inside the cage for them to climb on.  You'll also need a few inches of moist sand at the bottom for the females to lay eggs in.

    Next, you need a light bulb for over the container that produces enough heat to keep them at approximately 80 degrees F.  If they get cold they will die on you.  I used a clip-on lamp with a 100W bulb.  Set it up in a way where the insects will NOT come into contact with the bulb.

    Feed them cut up oranges and apples and potatoes.  The old leavings from this fruit MUST be cleaned up almost every day so it does not rot.

    The more crickets you have to start with, the better your chances of raising them successfully.  You can buy these cheaply and in large quantities (100 or more) from the Golden West Cricket Mart or Rainbow Mealworms, and they will be sent to you via the mail.

  5. buy 2 crickets. one boy and one girl. then put them in the same cage. i never wanted to breed crickets before and i had one boy and one girl and it worked. alot was made!

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