
How do I bring along a bodyboard when studying overseas?

by Guest64358  |  earlier

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Going to Wales for a year, Interested in bringing my Morey Board

To athletes that have done this before, what are the luggage restrictions. i know it's like 50 lbs per suitcase/person. How would the board fit into this?




  1. Get a travel bag for it ands check it as luggage.  Fortunately for you most airlines will check a body board as a piece of luggage whereas with surfboards we have to pay an extra charge for oversized baggage.

    If you are already at your baggage allowance I would just get one when you get there.  Morey's are like less than a hundred bucks so it's not worth paying the excess baggage fees.

    Edit: For those who bash spongers I would say try it.  Although I am primarily a surfer I do enjoy busting out the body board on big shore break close out days when you can't surf.  They also get pitted deeper and more often then  you will.

  2. sorry. sponger as what the other dude said.

  3. The board itself would be 5 pounds or less, this would make it very easy to ship overseas, also if you were getting a bodyboard you should try getting some bodyboarding flippers with it, those make the entire experience much more fun, that way you can get arials, and 360's this is if youve bodyboarded before.  Otherwise just get the flippers because they make the wave riding easier and more fun. All you need to do is paddle in front at about a 45 degree angle, than you kick as hard as you can, wait til you get pulled into the wave, try a few tricks and have fun.

    Enjoy your trip overseas.

  4. body boarding is c**p so just give up body board and take up surfing cause every1 worshsips surfers oh yer.

    "the reason god made body boarders was so that surfers could have speed bumps"

  5. LOL, bodyboard and athlete should never go in the same sentence.

    you are what we call a "sponger"

  6. It's light enough and you will be gone long enough to ship it over by DHL..

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