
How do I bring back fish from a fishing trip?

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I'm going camping with a friend of mine next week. We might go fishing at a lake that's been filled with trout. My question is how to bring back the fish (if we caught any) back home with us?





  1. well when you catch it if it is a keeper put it on the stringer and continue fishing.....then when your done fishing put them in a cooler or you could just carry them on the stringer. when you get back you should fillet them and then put them in a freezer baggy with no air inside and put them at the bottom of your cooler then cover it with ice to make it frozen.then when you get home if you don't like that fishy taste get a plastic bowl full of warm-hot water and put some table salt in the water. (table salt is preferred but kosher salt will work too) put the fillets in the water for like an hour or so and then cook em right up!!!!! (you don't have to do the water and salt if you don't want to) hope i helped you out! (best answer?)

  2. i would suggest killing it with a mallet or taking it by the tail and hitting it against the rocks. that way, at least, death will come quickly and you'll prevent the fish from flopping around in whatever bucket in futility.

  3. clean the fish and if possible vacuum seal it or something just as good pack it with dry ice a ship it back to your house as priority mail

  4. After cleaning them, wash the filets carefully. bag up in zip locks, and pack in ice. Don't let the filets lay in water.

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