
How do I bring rotating sun-rays in Adobe Flash?

by Guest64058  |  earlier

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Have you seen those beautiful Flash animations where the sun-rays or other objects rotate so beautifully around the object? I am so interested to create one but need the steps to do it. There are online help in Adobe's site but a step by step illustration would be pretty nice.




  1. Copy and paste this AS3 code to the first frame of your flash CS3 document. You don't need to create anything on the stage

    have a look @ my flash blog to C an example

    function CreateRays() : Shape {

    var ray: Shape = new Shape ();

    ray. graphics. beginFill (0xFF9900,.5);

    ray. graphics. lineStyle (1,0xFF9900,.5);

    ray. graphics. lineTo (600,-20);

    ray. graphics. lineTo (600,20);

    ray. graphics. lineTo (0,0);

    ray. graphics. endFill();

    return ray;


    var sun:Shape = new Shape();

    sun. graphics. beginFill (0xFF9900,1);

    sun. graphics. drawCircle (0,0,30);

    sun. graphics. endFill();

    //edit this no to change the no of rays :-)

    var SunaRays: Number = 25;

    var rayShapes = new Shape ();

    var SunGlow: MovieClip = new MovieClip ();

    for (var i:int = 1; i <= SunaRays; i++) {

    rayShapes = CreateRays();

    rayShapes. rotation = 360 / (SunaRays) * i;

    SunGlow. addChild (rayShapes);


    SunGlow. addChild (sun);

    addChild (SunGlow);

    SunGlow. x = stage. stageWidth/2;

    SunGlow .y = stage. stageHeight/2;

    //you can change fps here

    stage. frameRate = 30;

    stage. addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME,rotateSun);

    function rotateSun (e:Event) : void {

    //you change speed here

    SunGlow. rotation += 1;



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