
How do I bring up to a relative, her child is malnurished and she needs to smarten up/cut out the junkfood?

by  |  earlier

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My sis is a nut job and her husband obviously isnt any better, the feed their kid nothing but candy and junk, her idea of a balance meal is kfc or kraft dinner, and shell feed the kid a broth nothing else ect, she gives the kid vitamins as if that will help, the child is 6 and looks like shell be in dentures in a couple years no lie, shes under weight and not healthy looking. I hardly talk to this sister but its a childslife at risk, do i find a right way or just give he a blasting over it?




  1. There's nothing wrong with a kid eating a kraft dinner, or kfc, or junkfood, stop being so controlling, just because you think you are a better parent.

  2. Provide her with either the US food pyramid or the Canadian food guide.

    It is explained in it that there are different food groups and that it is better to eat a balanced diet that includes a certain quantity of each one.

    On the website you'll find resources for educators regarding diet for children.

  3. u should call the police

  4. Look if you feel the children are in any danger or being neglected and they won't listen to you then you just need to call CPS and report it and allow them to check it out. They will go to the home, talk to the children, and parents, check out the home, etc and write all that down. If they feel the children are being neglected they will take the children away and put into foster care until the parents can get their act together before returning them.

    Sometimes this is what it takes for some parents to get it. To realize what they are doing is wrong and that they need to shape up or lose their children permanently.

    It is our job to take care of innocent children that can't take care of themselves. If you see abuse or neglect then you need to do your part by calling someone that can help them.

    There is nothing wrong with calling CPS. You just may be saving those childrens lives.  

  5. this isnt the way this kid should live. if you care at all you will contact child services. Or try speaking to this kids teacher and having her call CS.  

  6. Mention it to her, but try to avoid sounding cynical. Ask for the reason before you start throwing judgments in her face.  

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