
How do I brush my dogs teeth?

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How would I go about brushing my dogs teeth?




  1. At the pet stores (and sometimes stores like Target) there is special toothpaste and brushes.  Some of the brushes are like a glove finger so the brush is basically on your fingertip.  The toothpaste has fun flavors like "meat".

    The best tip I have is to start this as young as possible.  They adapt better and your dog's teeth stay healthier.  

    Good Luck

  2. Go to Petsmart and buy a Dog Toothbrush and Toothpaste kit. They are under $10 and have a toothbrush with a large and small end, a fingerbrush and a tube of toothpaste. One tube lasts my two small dogs about 1.5 months.

    Sit down in a comfortable place with enough light to see in their mouth. Use your finger to pull back their gums and slip the brush in beside the teeth. Don't try to open their mouth wide to brush them, they don't like that. Brush the outside of the teeth gently 2-3 times a week. Try to sit in the same location everytime you do it. Dogs learn a routine easily and it will make brushing them easier. Now, when I get the toothbrush out of the cupboard and pull out the kitchen chair my dogs are in the chair before I can even sit down.

    Good Luck it will take a while to get them used to it. Don't force it on them teach them gradually. You may not get too much brushing done the first couple of times but you will get there.

  3. Send your dog to Petsmart or a place like that. They do that as well as groom it.

  4. You can buy a teeth cleaning kit from your local pet store (like Petco or Pet Smart). Or I use to use a toothbrush and some baking soda mixed with a little water. Then brush the teeth like you would your own. But, try not to use too much 'paste'. Dogs have very sensitive stomachs.  

  5. When I brush my dog's teeth I use a soft toothbrush with a really small amount of toothpaste.

    They make dog toothbrushes and toothpaste so it would probably be better if you invested in that because they are formatted to work on your dog's teeth.

    Also dog's don't really like it when you brush their teeth so he might try to get away from you.

    Maybe you should have someone hold him while you do the brushing.

    good luck<3

  6. Get a toothbrush, mix baking soda with a little water until you have made a paste, scoop some baking soda paste onto the toothbrush, lift the dogs lips, and brush its teeth the same way you would your own.

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