
How do I build a campfire when the camping site said I can't pick up wood at the site?

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The place where we're going camping tonight says you can't pick up wood from around there. Where would I go to buy like kindling and things I need for a campfire?




  1. find a friend who has woods & ask if you can cut a few sticks from him.

    if you pick up wood inspite of what your camping place said, could end up in instant eviction without refund, plus that's what makes it hard for others who Obey the rules, to find a descent place to camp.

    Please, think, what you & your company do effects not just you, but everyone else.

  2. just pick it up anyway... hha

    that is what we always do!

  3. Well, most camp grounds will have wood up at the campstore to buy.  it is usually like 5 dollars for 5-6 big pieces of dry wood.  i would not pick it up off of the site cuz usually that wood would be wet from the rain and have mud all over it that would put the fire out instead of keeping it burning.  me and my bro and sis would put like leaves and sticks from the site in the fire and it caused it go put the fire down to a small glow.  i would highly suggest getting wood from the campstores at the entrance to the campgrounds or where ever it is in which ur staying. if you cant get wood from the campstore or if they dont have a campstore then you can go to a nearby store outside of the campgrounds and probably get some there. Plus, if you take the sticks off of the ground it will make it harder for birds and other animals to find the resources they need to build their homes!

  4. pick it up anyway, take the chance of being thrown out and banned from the CG.

    go to the campstore and buy wood, split it with your axe... you DO carry an axe, right? I DO and I have a 40 foot Class A motor home.

    bring it with you next time, but do not bring tree trimmings as they may carry the Emerald Ash Borer and you will not be allowed to burn it, so bring wood scraps from the saw mill or wood working projects.

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