
How do I build a rocketship?

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How do I build a rocketship?




  1. Steel and Fuel.

  2. very carefully...

  3. steal money and then go buy one. much easier.

  4. You have neither the talent nor the intelligence to do so. Find something easier, like learning to tell time.

  5. "steal money and then go buy one. much easier."

    i like his idea... designing a rocket is extremely difficult to begin with... even witht he best scientist and 40 years, we still CANNOT garuntee a rocket.... for some reason, they are just very unstable and have a high tendancy to go boom instead of vroom

    a rocket is just a controlled bomb, so that's not suprising....

  6. how about not? for what? why u wanna waist ur $ and time on somethin like that?

  7. Easy. You will need a strong metal like titanium and aluminum. Then, you will need rocket boosters and an engine. There are some designs at you can look at, in the history section. But read up more on the subject before attempting. You will also need to get FAA to sign paperwork to make it legal to launch into space, well, that is, if you are in the US

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