
How do I build a stone patio (novice)?

by Guest57341  |  earlier

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My wife and I are building one this weekend and would appreciate some info or even some websites. So far we have the 2x8x16 stones and several bags of marble chips for the border, but we want to do this the right way.

Should we cement this, use sand or pebbles, etc.?

Thanks all!!!




  1. Here's the best resource I can think of for step by step instructions,,, go to the library and check out the Time-Life series of books.  There is one devoted to installing patios, walks, pavers, ect.  The other choice is to visit the local Home Depot and ask where their books on the subject are.  Stand there and read thru it or just buy it.

    For on line references, pick your favorite search engine and have at it.

    It's really not that difficult, just avoid any short cuts if you want a durable finished product.

  2. dig up the sod. pack sand into the area, leveling it with a long board. lay the stones and then sweep more sand into the cracks. place marble chips for border(optional).

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