
How do I build back flexibility to do a walkover?

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I want to be able to do a handspring easy, but first I want to get a walkover down. How exactly do you get the flexibility to begin with when you can't even bridge?




  1. Partner Shoulder Stretches

    Partner shoulders – sit in pike, arms straight out behind.  Partner lifts upper arms and picks gymnast up.

    Partner Backbend (have one partner grab ankles of other, go up in backbend, partner pulls shoulders, lift lower back).

    Front prone, arms by side and lift.  Pull on upper arms and stretch shoulders.

    Front prone, arms straight by ears and lift by pulling on upper arms to stretch shoulders.

    Hands clasped behind head, pull elbows together.

    Arms straight to side, pull together behind back.

    Hands clasped behind back, pull elbows together.

    Front prone shoulder stretch (arms by ears, lift arms above elbow).

    Lift leg while in split (left, right, straddle).

    Push on shoulders stretch (hands on medium or high beam).

    Kneeling split stretch (left, right, straddle).

    Partner shoulder stretch on stall bars or beam (gymnasts place hands side by side with head tucked under chin to the chest).  Partner pushes down on the shoulders

    Back to back – partners stand back to back,  One partner grabs the upper arms of the other who is holding their arms straight up by their ears and lifts them off the ground by bending forward stretching their shoulders.

    Another effective but not as quick a shoulder flexibility exercise utilizes a stick (like a cut-off broom stick).  Gymnasts inlocate/dislocate (move stick over the head forward and back) holding the stick in all of the possible grips (regular grip, reverse grip, elgrip, invert grip) holding the stick with the hands as close as possible.  Ideally gymnast will go straight over the top, but twisting the stick from side to side still will help.

    Gymnasts may hang for a bar with their hands together and head forward chin on chest to stretch shoulders

    This should be more specific!

  2. 1.   Laying on your back, bend one knee and bring it up to your chin

    bending it as much as possible and then the other knee.  Hold the position at

    least 10 seconds each time and do at least 5 sets.  

    2.   The cobra stretch is actually a stomach stretch and should be done

    slowly forcing the hips down.  

    3.   Your bridges should look like a tear drop shape.  The shoulders should

    be over your hands and legs together and straight.  

    4.   Performing kick overs from a bridge is huge for exercising you back

    also.  If you cannot do it on level ground, find a place where you feet are

    higher than your hands until your shoulders are above your hands.  Now push

    with one leg and kick the other to get over.  These are huge towards control

    and lower back strength and should control.

           I wish you the very best of luck and Take Care – Nikki

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