
How do I build my own compost bin or container for only a few $?

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How do I build and start an inexpensive compost bin or container for my home?




  1. look on craigslist. in the "free" category, people are always listing random stuff. i bett you could find some materials or maybe even a box on there in a matter of a few days

  2. We used 2 x 4's and cut them and made a box then put chicken wire around it with a staple gun it lets air get to the compost and you can turn it regularly the wood was at Home Depot you need to figure what size? we did a3 foot square box so we cut the 6 foot boards in half  you would need 4  $5 for them and a small roll of chicken wire is about $8.00  thats about as cheap as you will get unless you find another way but a trash can doesn't work very well because you can't turn the compost very easily.

  3. Full instructions on Tip No. 8 on the site below.

    Best of luck with your gardening.

  4. One of the easiest and cheapest ways to build a compost bin is to use wooden pallets. Warehouses, department and hardware stores are good sources for pallets for free, or very cheap.

    See source for more ideas ...

  5. For "dirt" cheap--no pun intended--dig a shallow pit, cover it with chicken wire and place your organic debris over the wire.  Start with leaves or grass for some hold and let the stuff do its thing for several weeks.  Turn the pile, keep it moist and you will have compost by fall.

    Bins and containers are nice and neat, but my compost just sits in the corner of the yard in a pile.

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