
How do I build up confidence in a manipulative relationship?

by  |  earlier

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I need the extra shove to bravery and self love. I need to be ready to leave, and I just can't get there.




  1. You need to call other family or friends who love you. Call them and organise a time for them to come get you.

    This is your step, but you have help, and its only a call.

    GOOD LUCK, you are a princess and never forget it!!!

  2. just don't wait as long as I have to decide how much time you want to waste....because you are wasting time here...I have done it--most of us have....just don't take too long within the situation

    good luck

  3. You need to let that person know that you will not take their c**p. Seriously they just have self esteem issues and fear of you leaving them so they try to mainupulate you so that you dont leave them, its unhealthy and very wrong. Tell him that you deserve better and that if he truely loved you he would stop acting like an ***. If he can not understand this then you need to leave him.  

  4. Just leave him. If you feel the relationship is "manipulative," then you really aren't serving your best interests. In any relationship, manipulation does not happen. In a caring relationship, each member doesn't try to directly influence the other's actions. That's not what relationships are about.

  5. Usually when someone is referred to as 'confident' they are referring to self-confidence. Self-confidence is faith in one's own abilities. One who is self-confident is not necessarily loud, brash, or reckless.

    Losing confidence is no longer trusting in the ability to perform. It may be reasonable as the result of past failure to perform, or unreasonable, because one "just has a feeling" about

  6. i feel you on this one. make a list of all the things they've done bad to you. read it everyday. change your phone number, move out asap whatever you need to do. block them from your email. write them a letter telling them exactly why you are leaving. don't have a conversation because that will give them a chance to convince you otherwise. you cannot feel bad about doing any of this. it is okay. do not  give in. you will feel foolish later and they will not treat you any better. walk away and never look back. it is going to be very hard, but don't waste another minute on this. you will look back years later and realized that you wasted your life with a complete jerk and self love will be even less.

  7. It takes a lot of bravery to admit you're in this kind of relationship and decide to leave.  You're on the right track.  Your biggest support will be close friends and family.  No one deserves to be manipulated..especially with affairs of love.  You will be so much happier and freer next week than you even realize.  Imagine being able to flirt with ANY guy you wanted?  Fun?  I don't know 'cause I like girls.  You may just have to bite the bullet and get it done...but you won't be alone.

  8. suck his d**k then break up with him.  

  9. Well usually it helps to end that relationship.  If you want to build self confidence though, try to separate yourself a little from the manipulative person.  When they tell you to do something, don't do it.  Once you realize that you can make your own decisions without being foced, your self confidence will skyrocket.  

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