
How do I buy the rights to manufacture an existing Aircraft design??

by  |  earlier

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Well I am considering opening a business in the new few years that would manufacture small kit airplanes. From what I was told as an answer to a previous question it would cost at least $10,000,000 to design, build, test and certify a new aircraft design. So my question is can I or how do I buy the rights to an existing aircraft design that I can build and sell as a business??

Thanks for any comments




  1. First you have to find one that's for sale.  There are usually several, though not all are publicized.  The best way is to read the very serious aviation trade press like _Aviation_ magazine.  You can also track down one or two of the big law firms that specialize in aviation business.  Be serious and up-front about who you are and what you know, and ask the receptionist to put you in touch with someone that can help you.

    And get used to sitting in lawyers' offices.  There are a lot of legal convolutions to deal with in such matters.  So you will still need some really substantial cash.  You will need to lease, buy, or build a facility in which to build your product, hire employees, drive home an ad campaign, and much more.

    The Small Business Assistance Center at your local community college or university can help you.  Also check with the Small Business Administration at

    Usually if you buy a design, you will buy the tooling; that is, the templates, jigs, special tools, and masters/matrices for the actual manufacturing process.  Oftentimes if a manufacturer has gone bust, it will be to his advantage to lease the tooling or give you a long payment plan for it.  So that can be a win-win.

    Then you build a prototype, hire some pretty models and take some pretty pictures, go to all the air shows, print up a million brochures, and set up a web presence.  Choose carefully.  If it bombs, you will be paying for it for 20 years.  If it goes well, you can make a fortune.

    See if you can buy the Erco Ercoupe design.  That would sell like hotcakes right now.  Other airplanes that are simple to fly and economical to operate.

    Good luck!

  2. Are you trying to sell them as kits or sell them assembled? If the latter, you can't. Kit plane designs are not fully-certificated and, by law, must be at least 50% built by their owners.

  3. there are plenty of defunct small aircraft companies that have gone under, so finding the owners and purchasing the rights wouldn't be easy, you still have to track the owners down, see if they want to sell, etc. So you have to do research into aircraft that are no longer made, and then track down the legal rights owners. That'll take time. Or, just become an authorized dealer for an existing aircraft line, that's way easier, if you're willing to go with what's on the market now.

      Good luck....

    - The Gremlin Guy -

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