
How do I call United Kingdom from Canada?

by  |  earlier

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okay, so my cousin moved there, and I want to call her - the number is 07757086891

I checked the country code and it says "011+44"

Believe me i know how stupid this question is, but this is what I would dial right?





  1. Yes flipsmum has it correct - the reason she could not find the area code for that phone number is because it is a mobile (cell) phone - we know that because all mobile numbers in the UK start with 07.

    just omit the zero after the 44 and dial 011447757086891   (using your example)

    do not be confused by a number of idiots telling you to phone 00 44 - 00 is the access code used throughout Europe and some of the rest of the world - the access code from Canada and the United States is 011 - the the country code for the UK is 44.


  2. I call UK all the time you dial

    011 44 and remove the first 0 from her number- but are you sure you have the correct number because i just checked with the BT website and that area code is not listed - see here

    If the number is a cell number the procedure might be different...just call your local operator and she will connect you to the international operator in the UK who can connect your call.

  3. nope!!

    for the uk you add 0044 and remove the first 0

    so it would be


    i seriously reccomend you don't advertise their phone number though (if thats the real one)  don't know who could read this :P

  4. that sounds about right

    but i would be careful posting phone numbers on here.

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