
How do I call off a wedding to a person you dont love?

by  |  earlier

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Im 21 years olds and about to get married to a 68 year old man. My parents told me I should get married to him because he is rich and will take good care of me. But I do not want him! He is too old for me and I dont love him.

What should I do?? The wedding is in 3 days




  1. give the ring back to him and LIVE YOUR OWN LIFE!!!

  2. You're 12 years old. Not 21. Next time, don't post your info right on your profile if you're going to lie.

  3. 68 years old?!?1!?!?1 god d**n!!!!!!

    well anywho, tell the old f**t i don't. and leave the state for a while. you can come kick it in jersey with me, i'm 21 years young hehehehe

  4. You have serious problems and need medical help!!!

    Yesterday you posted that you are falling in love with your brother in law(who is married to your sister) "that you have s*x with and that he's not cheating because he needs to feel good when he's hot in bed."

    Today you are posting about trying to call off a wedding to a 68 year old.

    Seriously what parents in their right mind would tell their 21/12 year old daughter that marrying someone for money is the right thing to do???

    Your profile says that you are 12! What's with the ACT?

    You live in an imaginary world and shouldn't be on the internet posting stuff like this being a stupid 12 year old.

    There are better ways of getting attention. Try doing something positive with your life instead of making up stories

  5. Don't show up at the wedding


    Tell the truth at the alter and run away

  6. Be Honest.  Tell the man you do not love him and that you do not want to marry him.  He will probably respect you for it.  But do it now, don't wait until the wedding and embarrass him in front of the guests.

  7. Do what you feel is right

    for you.  In the end, you'll

    have to live with him.

    Can you perform the

    duties of a wife to him?

    Be that loving wife he


    If not, call off the


  8. text him

    "I m gone"

  9. Find another hobby- stop posting bogus questions

  10. ok first of all you should have thought about that a long time ago, not 3 days before your wedding, but i also think if you dont love him and dont care about money then you need to cancel the wedding and tell everyone tonight!!!

  11. Easy, you don't say 'I do'.

    Your parents sound selfish.

  12. Just tell your "fiance" that although you care deeply for him, you don't think your ready to make such a big commitment. If he understands, then he'll let you walk away. Don't mention the "we could just be friends" cliche, it's too, well, you know, cliche. You're only 21! You'll find a mate closer to your own age soon enough. Stand up for yourself, don't let other people choose your life for you.

  13. If you don't want to, then tell them. You can't let other people control your life, and make you do things you don't want to do. Be strong, and tell them how you feel. Money's not everything. And, wow, the age difference is 47 years!

  14. If you don`t love him don`t do it.

    money is not everything.

    Do you really want to follow your parents and be money grabbers.

  15. I thought you were a twelve year old princess of a far away land, your mother is Queen Liz, and you lost/somebody stole your Bratz Barbie doll while you were on the beach, and the police didn't do anything.....uh, was that inbetween the Time Machine you're were asking what parts you needed for that, remember?

    Now suddenly you've jumped ahead how many years? And your parents are marrying you off to a 68 year old man? well Hon , jump into your Time Machine and travel back a few years...your 68 year old will be alot younger & maybe you'll like him then, lol....might even find where your Bratz doll went to in the bargain.......

    Say, how are things in Tiporial anyway...I mean that's where your profile says you come from....exactly where is that, if you live there how can you be the first person in America to invent a Time Machine.

    You need to stop wasting people's time, Little Girl....and at age 12 you're too young to be posting need to be 14.

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