
How do I care for Kittens?

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This is the first time I've got a kitten and I need some tips on how to care for it.




  1. Pet shops sell booklets about kitten care. Libraries and also the web can provide info. Why didn't you get the info before you got the kitten so you'd have a heads-up?

  2. There are a variety of sites on the internet which would be very helpful to you.

    She should already be weaned so if possible, always put the kitten on a wet diet instead of offering dry food. There are many misconceptions out there about feeding dry food to your kitten/cat. Please be aware that feeding dry food is convenient to the owner, but might not be the best for your kitten/cat.

    You can start now by mixing her wet food with water to make a gruel. Then, encourage her to lap on the food dish. If she is unable to lap or does not know what to do, dip one finger into the gruel and gently place it on her lips. She will l**k it and might just find it palatable. Slowly move your finger into the dish as she sniff it. Gently dip your finger into the dish and allow her to lap on the dish. It takes some time but she will get the idea.

    Young kittens are powerhouse when it comes to eating. They have a small stomach and can't eat her whole meal at one or two seating. If you are feeding can, divide her meal into 1/4 of a can each time, 4 times a day. Better yet, if you are at home a lot and have more time, feed less, but more frequently up to 8 times a day.

    Also, although many kittens and cats do enjoy drinking cow's milk every now and then, many are lactose intolerant. They do not have the proper enzyme to digest the lactose found in milk. As a result, they develop gas, smelly flatulence and diarrhea.

    You can purchase special formulated cat/kitten milk as a treat. Some brands you can try:-

    Whiskas Cat Milk

    Vitakraft Healthy Milk/Yogurt Snack Drops for Cats


    Milky Flakes Um Treats for Kittens

    You can already start litter trainning her. Make sure to place her in her litter pan after each meal, playtime, naptime. She might play in the box, refuse to stay inside and run away. Don't worry though because your little kitten is born with the instinct to use the litter box. With patience and in time, she will know what to do. Just be consistent in her trainning.

    Good Luck with your small kitten!

  3. Same here!

    We have always had dogs.

    What we did:

    Cat litter box (placed her in it often and took her paw to make like a hole)

    She caught on real quick with that.

    Toys (tons of toys)

    Scratching posts (Several of them)

    Bowls (fresh water and kitten Pro Plan food.  We keep it full for the day)

    Cat treats for her daily treat in the morning.

    Started to clip her nails at the age of 9 weeks so that she get's used to it.

    Took her to the vet in two days.

    She had worms and ear mites.  (She is a rescue from the streets)

    Got all her shots.

    Will have her fixed at the appropriate age.


    And last but not least





  4. Buy a book about kitten care. Be gentle and keep an eye on it. Make sure your giving it the right food and drink for its age.

  5. If it's a newborn or around that age: Let it sleep as much as it wants, and don't disturb it. Be gentle. Let it get used to your home. Always keep an eye on it because it's small, so it can get lost.

  6. Treat this kitten like it will break if handled to roughly. Kittens need lots of time to rest, so let it be when it is sleeping. Feed it when it yowls, but try to begin establishing a routine feeding schedule for when it is older. Play time is a must at least once a day, and in my opinion this is the most rewarding part of raising a kitten. Remember to be extremely gentle as you play, and don't get frustrated if kitty bites or claws you in play. Take kitty to the vet as soon as possible and get it all it's shots when it's old enough. To litter train, use rubber gloves to put some of the kitty's p**p in the litter box, and when he pees or poops put him inside the litter box. Patience and persistence is the key on this one!

    Other than that, just stick with it and I hope that you and your kitten have a ton of fun for years to come! Good luck!

  7. Because kittens have small stomachs they need to be feed small amounts 4 or 5 times a day until they get a little bit older then you can increase the amount a bit and reduce the frequency.  I personally prefer to feed both wet and dry food, But you can choose just one or the other, just make sure whatever you feed is for KITTENS, not adult cats, unitl they are about 6months to 1 year old.

    Make sure you wash the bowls between feeds though as cats hate to eat out of dirty bowls, plus old food, especially wet food, will grow bacteria.  Make sure they have clean fresh drinking water every day.

    Keep the litter tray as clean as possible, otherwise they won't use it.  Take out the p**p as soon as it is finished, or when you come in/get up.  Take out any clumps of wee every day. And completely change they litter and disinfect the tray about once a week.

    Your kitty will need a suitable flea treatment if it is going to be an outdoor cat, Frontline spot on is normally the best and needs to be done once a month.  But check weight of your kitten so you get the dosage right.  And they will need worming. Your vet will probably give them a wormer when you get the jabs done, then just follow on from there.  Some people say they should be wormed every three months but I only do mine every six months.

    Other that that all you kitty needs is lots of love and attention.  Unless, it is long haired and then it will need grooming.  But if it is short haired they generally look after their own coats.

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