
How do I care for a saltwater clam?

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My friend and I found a salt water clam the other day, and have decided to keep it as a pet. We have named him/her/it Sir Calamitous. I am not really sure what kind of clam it is, but it's grayish-black and we don't know how to take care of it.

My questions are, how do we feed it? Where should we keep it? What temperature? How do we get adequate water for it?

We took it home from the beach in a cup from the food court, filled with water from the Sound, and took another cup with dirt and more water that we will put in its tank. My friend has a fish tank, but her fish can be rather vicious and we don't know what they will do to Sir Calamitous. Also, they are freshwater fish.

We also caught a snail. Any advice for caring for the clam and snail?

(I know I asked this before, but no one was answering.)

I tried googling things like 'saltwater clam care', etc. but found out very little.





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