
How do I care for an open heart surgery person?

by  |  earlier

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My dad is getting quad bypass surgery, and we just live in the house alone together. My Mom is coming from out of state to take care of him the week after he gets out of the hospital because he's not supposed to be home alone and I have school. But what about after that? He needs to change his whole lifestyle. I had to quit my job and everything. I'm only fifteen, I don't really know what to do. He won't be able to drive for a few months, and we live in the... ahem *boondocks* so how am I going to get groceries? Idk what to do. Anyone with personal experience or just anyone with suggestions would help.




  1. You'll want to walk with him after the doctor says it's ok, and he'll likely be more emotional than he was before. I mean, there are programs in most areas for help with that. When you get to the hospital there will be a patient advocate or a social worker basically and they can pinpoint the people around you locally who can help and they will also be more aquainted with his insurance and everything else. If they don't come see you in the waiting room, ask any nurse on the floor where you can find the patient advocate or the hospital social worker, they should be able to point you in the right direction. Good luck.

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