
How do I care for these fish?

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My 2 year old won a couple small goldfish at the fair last night.

What kind of tank do I need and what type of care do they need?

From what I've read in some other question... I'm going to need a 20 gallon tank. My boyfriend will not be happy with that lol (he didn't want the fish... I let her play the game because she likes throwing balls and I didn't think she'd win the fish).

I was hoping I could get away with one of those cute little tanks that I could put on a desk or dresser. I found a couple Dora ones online and they are 2.5 gallons.

How long will the fish live in something like that?

Should I try and switch the fish for something else that could live in that small of a tank? And what would you suggest?




  1. ya maybe you could give them to a friend or a petstore because they would need more then a 20 gallon and a really good filter $30 wort of one! Then get a betta they could last for a long time in a 2.5 gallon! They are also really easy to care for...

    what you would need for a betta...

    betta food


    a plant or 2

    water conditioner

  2. well first, you will need a minimum 10 gallon tank because the goldfish will get big if they live. You'll need to upgrade the tank if it gets too big. I prefer a sandy bottom, but that is your preference. small, fake plants (goldfish will chew up real plants). and a good filtration system with filter pads. But i wouldnt count on those fish living. The ones you get at the fairs wont live long.  

  3. in a 2.5 gallon will not last long since you got couple of small goldfish 20 gallon is enough for the moment the bigger is better 50 gallon is better.  With filter and good aeration will last 15 years up.  

    kOi keeper & goldfish keeper

  4. i when i was little like 5 years old i wanted a fish tank and i got 5 little feader gold fish and put them all in a 3 gallon tank they survived untill i was like 10 years old on then i put them in a pond and they died by racoones. my point being is its a like a 25 cent gold fish so go ahead and do it.i think thats a better life then being food for my cichlids lol.

  5. a couple of Goldfish will do fine in a 2 gallon tank.Golf fish grow to their surroundings meaning that they should not out grow the tank.Goldfish are hardy cold water fish so you wont have to buy a heater for the winter.All you would need to buy other than your little tank is a arieator.You can get these at wal-mart or your local pet store from 5-$25.You will only need a small one.You will need to buy a bubble tube(these are $1-3 for a small one. they look like little colored sandy tubes).This might be included with the tank kit,you will want to make sure before you get it home and find out you dont have every thing you need.You will need to do a partial water change 1 a week unless the tank comes with a filter system. If it does then you will need to change the filter every 2 weeks.When you add water to your tank be sure that you add Aquasafe to the water.This will help the fish to have the best start and will minimize stress on the fish.  

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