
How do I carry a notebook around?

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A lot of people carry notebooks around to write whatever comes to mind, like to doodle, draw, or write. I'm an avid notebook user, but I usually keep my notebook at home.

I guess the real problem here is just school. I don't want to bring it to school, because, what if it gets read? I write a lot of personal stuff in there, so that'd kind of blow. But at the same time I want to bring it with me to places, and school is one of the main places I am at.

If it helps, I have a black moleskine, large.

So, can I have some advice? I'm sure I'd be able to keep good watch on it, but I'm just paranoid.

And in my school, only the high school kids get to carry bags around. And that's next year for me. So no, I don't carry a bag or backpack of any sort yet.




  1. yeah i think you should get a tiny note book that is portable and if you are scared you might loose it try to wright it in another language or short hand

  2. You could try a little flip top note pad.  It should fit into a pocket.  You know the spiral flip top note pads.  They may not be big but you could write things in it to keep til you got home. Then write it all down in a large note book or Journal.

    I tried it a long time ago and it worked for me.  So what ever you choose, I hope that its what you want and it works for you.

    Good Luck

  3. get a lilltle notebook that fits inyour pocket, or bungee cord it on you , or duct tape i use it  for alot of stuff,

  4. I carry a small notebook that fits in the back pocket of my jeans. Many good ones are available at a reasonable price from Walmart.

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