
How do I catch someone dealing drugs?

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I believe my ex husband is dealing drugs. I wouldn't worry about it, but he has scheduled visits with our 3 year old daughter. I don't want him to get busted with her there. How can I find out for sure? Are there any websites or places I can call to have it verified? Please help... Thank you.




  1. "How do I catch someone dealing drugs?" - YOU don't. It is not your job, can exposure you to dangerous situations and could possibly get YOU arrested.

    If you think he is dealing drugs, contact the detective division and tell them why you suspect this is the case.

  2. Do you want to catch him for genuine concern for your daughter or because you are bitter towards him?  If you have a genuine concern, then contact the narcotics division of your local law enforment agency.  They can investigate.  Furhtermore, police are generally aware of who is selling drugs in their area.  If the person has not been arrested and charged with it, it may be due to ongoing investigation where they are compiling evidence before requesting an arrest warrant or becuase they just haven't been able to catch a person in the act.  Although they may not confirm your suspicions, they will surely look into it for you.

    BTW...have you considered that your suspicion could be wrong?  Why do you even suspect it in the first place?

  3. Call the police department an no you can not go to a website to figure it out if he hasn't been arrested.

  4. Um dont be a b*tch just because you have a three year old.  I have a feeling that if he is doing something the police WILL catch him on thier own and can garauntee they wont hurt your daughter.

  5. I suppose a point to consider is that regardless of what you do he could get busted at anytime....... daughter there or not. So you have to start with that assumption.

    Neither do you wish to have your child around people coming over to buy nor around anybody that uses. You would not wish to have something happen and later wish that you had not tried to do something ahead of time.That is totally understandable.

    Best you can do is to speak with a detective and let them know about your concerns. They will then know to take into account that there is a child in the house.You will have a contact number and they will also have a contact # so they can call you right away and have you pick up your child. Since you have previously spoken to the police there should be no issue police or child services wise.

    There is no website for all of this...... it has to be done in person. And remember. There may be nothing happening. But 9 times out of 10 if something feels wrong it is. One must follow their gut instincts. The world is full of people who did not and wish they had taken some sort of preventive measure.

  6. Call the local police they will verify it.

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