He's a great kid, does exceptional at school, very smart. The only annoying thing is that he is so helpless and clueless when it comes to helping around the house. His dad asked him to plug in a lamp and he's like, "I don't know how." I asked him to put his dishes in the sink and he stood up, took a step, turned back to the table like he was so confused and finally took the dishes and put them on the counter. I ask him to clean his room and find everything under his bed blankets or bed. I ask him to find his "brown shoes" and he comes back with his winter boots. He dresses himself but he comes out without his socks or coat or shoes or forgets to button his pants, etc. I have two younger children and they are totally independent, follow directions and do their chores without me holding their hands. At his mother's house he's not excpected to do anything or help and just watches vidoe games all day. She even dresses him in the morning!!! Any suggestions?