
How do I change my attitude to "leader"?

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I have absolutely no natural leadership skills whatsoever. I grew up in, and (up until now) have worked in places where you keep to yourself and it is most beneficial to keep your mouth shut! Now I have a great opportunity for a leadership position, one I will most likely never get again, but in order to get it I need to show the big boss I can handle it. She says I am way "too nice" when I ask people to do things. If I don't say it firmly they won't take me seriously and it will slow things down *alot*.

How can I change my way of thinking? How do I talk to them? Is it better to distance myself from them as a "friend"? The only other way I know how to be is too mean, and that only happens when I am *very* angry at someone.

Does anyone have some neat tips, like the equivalent of "picture people in their underwear" for stage fright? I need to get rid of the soft-spoken, wimpy me! I'm a weak person who up until recently has had no self-confidence either, dang it. All help appreciated!




  1. Wait a minute.

    If you have no aptitude to be a leader, never had a desire to lead before and are happy not being a leader,


    The Peter Principle, one of the central theories of business says, "Everyone in an organization rises to a level of incompetence and then stays there."

    His solution is to put people back into a level of competence where they'll be happier and more productive.

    SMART people know when they've exceeded their level of competence or are about to.

    Tell the boss that you're not suited for the job - let her find someone that is.

    Better to be a happy worker than a stressed out, incompetent boss.

  2. Thought for the Day

    Real Leadership is not about Prestige, Power or Status ; It is about  RESPONSIBILITY. .........

                                                                     C.K. Prahlad.


    : meal for life :

    : L E A D E R S H I P :

    is indeed a workmanship,

    spelled by the virtues of

    "Responsibility : Concernity : Integrity"


                                                         gnosiologist :astral'scientist

  3. A person who guides, self confidence . commands. Think things over then make a yes or no determination or answer.

  4. You do not have to be mean to be a leader. Though you will have to be firm at times when the company's interest is compromised.

    A good leader inspires while an average leader motivates.

    Respect is given to a great leader while a lousy leader demands respect.

    To lead means to influence, it does not neccessarily means to command.

    Just have the heart to help your staff & they will respect you as a leader.

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