
How do I change my display picture on myspace?

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How do I change my display picture on myspace?




  1. on your home page, under the current photos it should say

    Photos: edit/upload

    pick upload... and upload the photos.. then when there all up... go to edit and click the photo you want.. and it says on the toolbar just above the photo, it should say... 'set as default'

    hope this helps!?

  2. you add pics to your page- i assume u have done this already. click on the pic you want as your display pic then underneath it you click on edit photo. then at the top "set as default". it asks to confirm and u do. thats all it takes :)

  3. easily.

    just Upload a picture then Click edit pictures and Click set as default.

  4. I don't know, go ask Tom.  

  5. go to your 'edit your photos' and click on the picture you want. then scroll down and there should be a button somewhere that says 'set as default'

    click on that one

  6. first you have to load up some pictures you want, then click on "edit pictures' on your homepage.       it will come up with all your uploaded pics . click on one you want then click on a blue button with 'set as default'  .   it will say "ARE YOU SURE?"   you say yes

    then your set :)

    hope it helps

  7. Go to edit pictures then pick a picture and it should say Set as Default above the picture after you click on the picture you want, then click set as default and it will ask you are you sure then click yes.

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