
How do I change my group from "moderate new members" TO ... "allow members to post immediately"?

by Guest59527  |  earlier

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How do I change my group from "moderate new members" TO ... "allow members to post immediately"?




  1. If you are the group owner or a moderator with assigned privilege, Sign in to the group.  Click Management.  Under Group Settings, click Messages.  Click "Edit" to the right of Posting and Archives. Under Posting Options and in the Moderation column, select "Unmoderated".  Click Save Changes.

  2. this setting will only affect those who join after you change this setting. for those members previous to this change, they'll still be moderated and to change that you'll have to edit membership below their ID in the members list. individually.

    however to reduce spam, it's a good idea to keep moderate new members and then edit them individually.

    change group settings

    management- under group settings click messages- Posting and Archives (Edit) <-- click the edit- 3rd column select Unmoderated- click save changes

    to change moderation status per member

    locate member in list- under their ID click edit memebrship- botton next page Posting Messages:    Override: This member's posts are always moderated (Edit) <-- click edit- bottom next page check *Messages posted by this member are not moderated- click save changes

  3. Here is how you can do that:

    1. Go to your group's homepage.

    2. Click Management on the left side of any group page.

    3. Click Messages in the "Group Settings" section.

    4. Click Edit next to "Postings and Archives".

    5. Select the "unmoderated" button in the "Moderation" column.

    6. Click Save Changes.

    Hope this helps you.

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