
How do I change my sleep pattern

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You see I'm used to fall asleep in the late afternoon and waking up at 11:30PM. I stay up through the entire night but I want to go back to a normal sleep pattern like say going to bed at 2AM and waking up at 9 in the morning or something.

I just cant see to do it... I tried to go to bed one night at 3:30AM but I wasnt tired... Please don't tell me I have a sleeping problem- I don't it's just I choose to make my sleeping pattern like this and now I would like to return it back to normal.

Any advice on how I can make myself sleepy?




  1. well since you are already up, you can come do my job and then it's not really your choice that you stay up all night.  

  2. just stay up all day/night and try to adjust again...

  3. The best way is to just keep yourself awake for as long as possible - when you want to fall asleep in the afternoon eat some sugar or have some caffiene to try and promote wakefulness. Try to stay up untill 11:30 or later, but no later than midnight. When it gets to midnight or before, have a shower so you're warm, drink something warm (but not coffee) and make the room dark and quiet.

    Hope this helps.  

  4. Get a job, ya bum.

    Seriously. I couldn't change my sleeping pattern until I got a job that requires it.

    Some people are dynamic and can just change their life by choice...others, like you, me and the vast majority, are adaptive and must be told what to do.

    So...seriously...get a job, ya lemming.

  5. be bored and you will fall asleep.

  6. Ask your doctor to recommend some sleeping pills. It helped me. It might help you.

  7. exercise regularly and reduce your consumption of sugar and cafein... drink plenty of mineral water.... hope it works...zzzzzzz

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