
How do I change my son's last name?

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My son is the most important thing in my life and I would love for him to share my last name. My name is on his birth certificate, yet he has his mother's last name instead of mine. I pay my child support and I have visitation with him. I would love more time with him, but she will not allow it and refuses to premit him to stay the night at my house. I would love some advice about changing his last name to mine and if anyone has any suggestions about the custody of my son, please let me know.




  1. Go to court regarding the visitation.  They are the ones that have the say as far as visits..not her.

  2. You would need his mothers consent to change his name.

    As others have said, I would get a lawyer about her limiting your visitation rights and not letting him spend the night.  Typical visitation agreements are every other weekend from Friday - Sunday.

  3. You did not say whether you are married to your son's mother or not.

    .....if you are, then you have the right to share your last name with him, although it will entail some court proceedings;

    .....if you are not, then it's all up to the  mother to grant you any more rights with your son.

  4. you can go to your soliciter's to do it

  5. Well I wouldnt try to take him away from his mother, but you could tell her that you want him to stay the weekends with you, or you will contact a lawyer. Getting his last name changed is not going to fix anything but if you still want to then you have to go to the state and also have his mother's consent. How old is your son? Once he is I believe 18 then he has the choice of his last name and who to live with.

    check this site, it is full of info and the last question may help you.

  6. you cant change it unless the mother agrees so you would have to get her to agree to change his last name before u did anything, been there done that with my own name.

  7. Wow, call a lawyer you need to go to court she can't say when or how long you can see YOUR child.  Only the court can.  Good luck.

  8. I don't know if it's the same for your situation, I'm assuming it is.  I know if a child has the father's last name, and the mom wants to change it to hers, she would need the consent of the father in order to change it.  I'm sure it would work that way in your case too.  The best you could do is talk to her about it and see if the least she would do is add your last name somewhere into the child's name.  If not, there's not really anything you can do.  There's always the chance that your son could change it himself later on when he is old enough.

  9. If your last name is on the birth certificate that is legally his last name. Unless she illegally changed the form?? I would hire a lawyer and get the visitation and time with your son that you and he both deserve. She can't keep him from you, you have rights just as well as she does. And if she's smart she would copperate with ou in the visitaion outside of court or it can make her look really bad in front of the udge keeping him from you.

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