
How do I change promoter's mind?

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I just won my first kickboxing title a month ago. I was so stoked by this. But what upset me is, last week my coach got a call from promoter. We found out that they want me to fight this clown who beat me twice, both times by brutal knock out. That was two of my only three losses out of 14 fights.

This clown has record of 11-7, his technique isn’t exactly good, but he’s a brawler who is known for clowning and goofing off in the ring.

In our first fight, first round go alright with him mocking me by shaking his body then dance after I rocked him hard. Then second round, I tried to elbow him in the head, he suddenly point at me with a stupid look on his face as if warning me to not do it. Then he point at his own elbow then at me, when I tried to knock him out, he grabbed my head and knocked me out with elbow.

In our second fight, he surprised me with his boxing since he wasn’t known for his boxing skill and in our first fight; he didn’t really used any boxing. So I was covering up, trying to find a opening. He starts to hit me in mocking way like a girl. So I tried to counter but he elbowed me again, cutting my head open then he go back to mock me. Not long afterward, he gets me in a clinch and pushed me away then kicked me in the head so hard that I fell down between the ropes and was hanging on the rope. The referee has to drag me back into the ring and it all was captured on the video. I was humiliated by this.

This idiot have no technique, he just go in with “it is either me or you getting knocked out” mental and banged away.

Now they want me to fight him again! His record isn’t that great and he doesn’t take fighting seriously and make other fighters look bad. I don’t want to give this idiot a shoot at title. How can I convince the promoter that this guy doesn’t deserve a shot at the title?




  1. First off, if I were you I wouldn't go to the promoter myself I would have your trainer or manager talk to him. I would have them point out the guys record and his antics and ask if that was really how he wanted his promotion to be perceived. Unfortunately the promoter may like the guy or the guy may just be one of those people who put butts in the seats and ultimately that is what the promoter cares about.

    You are really caught in a bit of a spot here because the decision rests with the promoter not you or your team. If he really wants you to fight him there may not be a way out with out putting your championship on the line and I'm sure you wouldn't want to lose it that way. The final call in this kind of a situation is the promoters though and you may just have to fight him again. I still think your best bet would be to have your trainer/manager go and talk to the promoter and try to point out this other clowns defeciencies as a fighter and as someone that would be getting a title shot. If that is what the promoter insists on though, you are kind of stuck.

    It can be hard to deal with these kind of guys because so much of their game plan is to make you break your game plan. If it comes down to you having to fight him I would try to get some friends or other people in the gym to try distract you during sparring by clowning and get your sparring partners to do some of the same type of things that he does. If you start dealing with it in the gym and train through it, it can only help you when the fight comes if it comes to that.

    Best of luck and congratulations on getting your title. Too bad it looks like your first defense is going to be against someone who makes the whole sport look bad. Just do all of us a favor and kick his head off his shoulders for making us all look stupid.

  2. You can't the fact his that he was good enough to knock you out twice. I think you are afraid of him and don't want to fight him again because he has your number.

    I also think you are trolling.

  3. You're a scared little girl that doesn't want to lose her title to a real man.

    Try fighting the guy again like a man.

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