
How do I change star signs, I'm sick of being Cancer, I wouldn't mind a birthday in March or December?

by Guest64824  |  earlier

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How do I change star signs, I'm sick of being Cancer, I wouldn't mind a birthday in March or December?




  1. Since no one ever remembers your birthday anyway, you can have 2 or 3 each year. One in spring (before that trip you take; you'll need some extra cash), one in the summer (birthday parties in the summer rock), and one right before Christmas (you can re-gift all your birthday presents for the freaking holidays).  You hate most of your freaking relatives anyway.

    <----------- Am I freaking Martha Stewart or what?


  2. You will probably need to wait until your next lifetime.  

  3. Early December is a good one.  I'm a Sagittarius... so when perfect strangers tell me I'm "saggy" I just pretend they're talking about my sign.

    We'll have to time travel and push you back in your mother's happy hole until the day you decide on.

  4. ummm.i think that is impossible!!

    well when you die and start all over again ask God to make you a Capricorn or whatever you wanna be

  5. So what's your problem?  Just do it!

    At least Yahoo Gods won't mind...

  6. You should be A Queery-Arrse like Guido.

    <---homo with a wife


  7. I wish I could change the cancer sign also, I already have MS...

  8. Be a Sagittarius like me.....Cause whats not great about being half man half hourse??

  9. I would be crabby if I was a cancer

  10. Be an Aquarius. By law we cannot be held responsible for our actions.

  11. Awwwww, you have a beautiful star sign :)

    Look it like this, I'm an Aries and am over agressive, but that's only one small bad part of me lol.

  12. Yeh, come into December.

    Us Sagittarians are great!

  13. Yeah me and Sadi are Tauruses and look how awesome we are (=

  14. haha if only..

  15. If you become a Pisces like me...

    We can have s*x without worrying about birth control...

    (Few people know about that strange and imponderable astrology fact...)

  16. invent a cyberspace person

  17. get adopted out to someone else and have them say you were born on another month

  18. you cant change it that's what you were born to be  

  19. Better than being sick with cancer

  20. Hey, what's wrong with Cancerians ??

    So I get a little emotional at times...

    (me: July 1st)

  21. Don't give up hope.....You can have a choice in your next lifetime.

  22. Yeah..I love being born in early December.

    But I also love Cancers!

    My best friend is one..Cancers have amazing personalities

  23. All women lie about the year they were born. Why not lie about the day too?

  24. Try May being a Taurus is fun you have an excuse for being

    stubborn and being "bull headedness" ugh....

  25. change it to november, scorpios have wonderful characteristics, like moodiness and sarcasim!  edit..just change it.people do it all the time

  26. For fun just pick a month and a day from either March or December and celebrate like it's your real birthday on your play birthday date. I'm a December born baby! My birthday is December 18th! You could pick my birthday and make that you new star sign! I'm a Sagittarius!


    Your avatar is sooooo cute!!!

  27. I'd be sick of being Cancer too.

    I'm quite happy being an Aquarius.

    Just... Tell everybody your birthday is March 27th.

    Cause you seriously don't want a birthday in December.

    Cause you'd get less presents with Christmas so close, uh duh.

  28. Yeah Be a Taurus lol, We are best known for Pleasure & Passion!

    Think Venus!...

  29. December is cool. Just make it after Dec 22nd!  We lie about everything else why not just say you are A Capricorn Dec 22-Jan 19!!!!

  30. I don't think it matters with robots but if they sell you you must be accompanied with owners manual and usually it states that you were manufactured on Betelgeuse in the nebular system of cancer.

  31. Hey!! I am a Cancer and love it. We are good folks...stay a Cancer.

    I do agree it is a horrible disease and would like to see our sign name changed...something more fun loving...huh?

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