
How do I change teachers?

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Well, I had a teacher Freshman year and she is nice and all but she always lost my papers, resulting in a grade my parents didn't like. Now, unfortunately, I'm going to have that teacher again for Junior year and, even though she is a good person, I REALLY don't want her. How do I talk to my guidance counselor and get a different teacher?




  1. I think you have a legitimate reason: that you had the teacher before.

    I tell my students the first day (some of whom I have had) that they are free to go to the counselor and change teachers and I would understand.

    "If you had filet mignon every day for year, a greasy hamburger  on a stale bum might be what appeals to you." I knew the ones that laughted were keepers.

  2. you have to request the change,

    you have to have a good reason though.

    im not sure how well thatll cut it.

  3. explain to your counselor and ask him or her

  4. At my middle school, when we get stuck with the same teacherr after previously having them, we go to the counselor. I see you already know that. Simply explain to your counselor that you already had this teacher and that she continuously lost your papers. Most likely, your counselor will understand and move you to a different class.

  5. Explain the situation.  As long as there is another teacher on campus that teaches the same class, you shouldn't really have a problem.  If you are not able to change, I would suggest copying your papers or e-mailing an additional copy of big projects to your teacher just in case.

  6. go to the guidance counselor or the principal they usually let you change.

  7. If your reason for wanting to change teachers is only because of the lost papers, you might think about staying where you are (you say she is nice) but taking the precaution of making copies of your work to show that it was done.  The library probably has a copy machine, and although it costs to make copies, it is a small price to pay for the insurance.  (Ask the librarian to date stamp your copy so you can prove when the work was completed.)  If the teacher continues to "lose" your work, then there is a real problem, but at least you will have proof that it goes on, and you might even be able to get your parents off your case about the earlier grade.

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