
How do I change the am/pm on my wii?

by Guest61434  |  earlier

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I just got a wii fit and I want the time to be right. My wii won't let me change the am to pm which it treally is. Is there a way to change this. If it helps it is 3:22 pm right now and my wii is saying 3:22 am. please help.




  1. The Wii uses a 24 hour, or military, time system.

    For times pas 12:00am, or 1200 hours, you keep on adding until you reach 2359 when the day ends, and restarts at 0000.

    Rather than have two 12 hour intervals, there is just one 24 hour interval per day.

    Therefore in order to set your Wii to 3:22pm, you set it to 1522.

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