
How do I change the message policy?

by  |  earlier

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I set up a group and specified that I must approve new members. However, once I accept a member, I want that member's messages to be sent without requiring approval. I can't find the place to change this. Anyone know?




  1. management- under group settings click messages- Posting and Archives (Edit) <-- click edit- 3rd column Moderation- check appropriate- click save changes

    this will only affect those members who join there after this change- for previous members you must go and unmoderate them individually

    locate member and click edit membership below their ID- bottom next page Posting Messages:    Override: This member's posts are always moderated (Edit) <- click the edit- bottom next page

    * Messages posted by this member are not moderated. <--- check

    * Messages posted by this member are moderated.

    * This member can't post messages.

    click save changes

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