
How do I change the password on my linksys router?

by  |  earlier

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My dd gave out our password to the neighbors. Normally I would not mind helping out someone who is in need but these people can afford their own internet without using mine.

Be very explicit in your explanation because I am computer illiterate and you will need to be very thorough!

Thanks so much.




  1. If you go here it will give yo all the answers, they also have an online tech help that is real useful. This site will be much better then anyone trying to explain this to you. Go to the Learning Center. Good Luck.

  2. 1) Go to    on your browser.

    2) If you had assigned username/password, use this to log in. If not, the default is usually  blank and the default password is "admin." for older linksys routers. If that doesn't work, type "admin" in both the username and password.

    3)Once you are in the settings page, click on the "WIRELESS" tab.

    4) Click on "WIRELESS SECURITY"

    5) You should be able to change the shared key here. (Note: on newer linksys routers, I think it automatically changes it every 2-15 days depending on how you set it. Mine hasn't changed but it says it is supposed to change every "7200" seconds so keep logging in to check if it has changed.)

    Hope this helps!

    (I have had to do this many times because I always forget the key so make sure you write it down and keep it somewhere safe!)

  3. REad the manual that came with it.  How explicit is that?

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