
How do I change the size of a digital photo?

by  |  earlier

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I am trying to upload the cutest pic of my son to a photo contest and it says Your photo is 1,051 KB in size. It must be between 3MB (3000KB) and 10 MB (100000 KB). I have no idea how to change the size. I am running windows vista (blaaahhh). I tried to do it by right clicking properties, but there wasn't an option to change the size.




  1. What you may have to do is either purchase some type of photography illustrator program or use one from your friends. Although some of the finer details may blur a bit when increasing the size. I hope this helped.

  2. Use Irfanview - its free:

  3. hello,

    if u intalled MSOffice,

    then right click on that inage, and select Open with > MS Office Picture Manager,

    that is a red color icon,

    now ur image will open n that application, now click Picture, ( menu bar )

    and select Corp, -- Now u can cut off unwanted areas of ur photo,

    or click File > Export

    Now u will get a side bar,

    in that bar see the last function, Click the Resize button and select any pre defined settings or u can put ur own mesurement,

    and click the back button on that same bar, then click OK button,

    thats all buddym, tc and have fun.



    Download any photo re sizer freeware application, then u can re size ur all photos which are in the same folder, at a time,

    _____ OR

    use online editor

  4. photoshop elements is pretty good. you can gat a free trial at

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