
How do I change the tire on the bike?..doing it for the first time...?

by  |  earlier

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Dad said:

Here, ill give you all the tools you need..(he gave me more..just a case full of stuff for the bike) and you will do it yourself

So now I have a tiny bag full of stuff...

my hands are now dirty,first I had taken the bolts off..but I then realized that the brakes hold tire back so I took an allen key to loosen the hold of the brakes

then a mosquito bit me

then ...I stopped and wote on yahoo answers to make sure

so once I take the tire off, do I just take out the rubber part and replace it with a new tire?

you see, I ride with one brake since the one on the front dosn't work so well...but hey, I have fun sliding.

so is it easy as that? take tire off replace it with a new tire.




  1. Try this site.  Good basic instruction for a beginner:

    Good luck.  Like most things, it'll get much easier as you gain experience.

  2. Do you need a new tire? or is it just a flat? If its a flat you need to replace the innertube. Thats the tube thats inside the tire, hence the name innertube.

  3. You apparently haven't gotten to the inner tube yet. Does the bike need a new tire, or just an inner tube?

    Also, there should be a quick-release on the brakes to save the trouble of taking the brake-pads off.

  4. There is special tool your dad may have given you, it is a small peice of metal with a groove in it like a can opener or cutter but not sharp. You need to get the groove under the beed or in other words between the inner edge of the and the metal rim. You slide it aroung the rim so it pops the tire edge out. If your tire is worn down to much then you need a new tire. If the tube is good it is reusable. It does take a bit of work and practice, but ya.


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