
How do I change visitor stats show me to just me instead PUBLIC?

by  |  earlier

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I don't want anyone to see my blog!




  1. 1.) Look at your right hand corner on MY PAGE

    2.) On the side of MY PAGE, click on SETTINGS

    3.) On the left hand side, it says BLOG SETTINGS (click that)

    4.) Scroll down a little

    5.) Look under WHO CAN SEE YOUR BLOG

    6.) click on the dropdown menu and click JUST ME (PRIVATE)

    7.) Click SAVE

    8.) FINISHED!!

    Good Luck =]

  2. Go to the "settings" link at the top of your 360 page (over on the right.) Go down and select it.

    Select "Save & Continue" twice. Then on the third page, you will find an area where it says, "Blog Settings". Scroll down until you find the words, "who can see your blog". Select "Just me (private)". Don't forget to click "Save". :-)


  3. Go to blog settings and click to your preferance

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