
How do I check my modem to be sure its dialing all the numbers. I'm using MSN dial up?

by  |  earlier

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Last week we had a thunder storm and my wife pressed the off button while it was shutting down. we havent been able to get online since. When I try to connect it doesnt sound like all the numbers are being dialed only the first 3. Has my modem been damaged, or is there something that needs to be reset?

Also if I do a system reset what will I lose in the computer, and will it help?

Could you tell me also what kind of disks I would use to back up my computer?

I am using my work computer to ask this.




  1. Hey cute patoote who don't know hoot. Some of us country bumkins can't bet hi-speed out here in the sticks.

  2. Wow you still have dial-up??

  3. Yes you should use the system reset and you won't lose anything. It will help because your pc just might work better. My old computer stopped dialing up when there was a thunder storm and it never worked again b/c my modem was damaged but this was years ago and it was a windows 98 lol. Try to use the system reset or you could just go to your start menu and click on my network places and once you are there you should click on view my connections. and click on ur connection.. Email me and tell me how it goes. Also you can buy a power surge so if there was a thunder storm, ur pc will shut right off. As far as disks go, I will tell u more when u e-mail me about what kind of pc you have. Hope I could help. I understand what you're going through. :)

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