Ok, so I'm 19. I've never had any serious relationships, however, this is about to change. I'm getting close to this girl I met at my old job. She's a year younger than me and about my height, if that really matters. We've talked a lot outside of work and text usually every couple of days. Also, she's been interested in going to my church (I'm Catholic). Her family doesn't go and she wants to get back into the habit, so we've been to church a couple of times. However, I'm off at college and she lives a good 30 miles away. But I really think I'm beginning to like her.
Now I met this other girl at my new job. She's absolutely gorgeous, seems really nice, and most importantly, broke up with her boyfriend about 2 mo's ago. She's the same age as girl #1, oh and she's from Spain, so thats cool....
I want to see where it would go, but I don't want to 'leave' the first girl, have it turn out bad and end up losing both girls. Any advice? Ask if you need more info.
Thanks! Jeremy