
How do I choose my first electricity/gas/water suppliers and when can I switch if they're too expensive?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 25 and have moved into a new flat in the Midlands. This is the first time that I have lived by myself and have to pay bills like electricity, gas, water, etc.

The problem I'm facing is that I cannot choose who my first supplier(s) should be, and of course I want to choose the cheapest. Every supplier website I go to wants me to state how much my annual bill normally is, so they can compare their prices and suggest the best deal for me... but I don't have a previous annual bill. How do I go about this?

Also, I would like to know how soon I can switch to another supplier if the one I choose is proving too expensive. Will I be tied down to 12-18 month contracts? Do I have to pay an additional charge for switching suppliers?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.




  1. It's impossible to say which supplier will be the cheapest, as there's no magic formula, but I can answer your other questions. You don't have a contract, in the same way as you would for a mobile phone. You can leave by giving your supplier 30 days notice. There's no charge for switching suppliers, but you'll have to clear any bills that are owed to the company you leave before you switch over. One final word of warning. Read your meters when you get the bills, as they'll send estimates, which are guessed.

  2. i only read the header

    im on E-on, they are expinsive but organized

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