
How do I claim social security for my son, he has a learning disability.ADAD.?

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How do I claim social security for my son, he has a learning disability.ADAD.?




  1. I answer thsi question almost everyday on this site.

    Generally ADHS and LD do not qualify for SSI-if it were-eveybody with every physical, psychological, educational disability woudl be getting money-and taxes would go up so high -they would be impossibel for teh average person-

    ADHD generally does not qualify fro SSI-just like Diabetes, asthma, depression, OCD, allergies, controllable epilepsy, and a a myriad of other conditions do not qualify.--unless there is significant impairment.

    I have multiple disabilities myself that affect my ability to function-but have not applied for any type of SS and will not at this point because I will not qualify-because the conditions are reasonably managabe with treatment

    This is the link I post every time someone asks this question:

    For children (3-18) to receive SSI disability benefits based on this disorder, they must---in addition to possessing 1. marked inattention, 2. marked impulsiveness, and 3. marked hyperactivity---have at least two of the three following conditions, resulting from ADHD:

    1. Marked impairment in age-appropriate cognitive/communication function.

    2. Marked impairment in age-appropriate social functioning.

    3. Marked impairment in age-appropriate personal functioning.

    SS does not consider usual difficulties due to ADHD/LD as 'marked'

    Instead of SSI-you may be able to get assistance from the school in the form of counselling-or from prescription programs if you are uninsured-There is something called partnership for precription assistance (PPA)

  2. This is tricky, you will have to have all the papers from the doctor explaining his condition, plus papers from an expert. Than go to the social security office and pick up the correct forms fill them out and set up an appointment at the Social Security office.

  3. Normally, learning disabilities i not something Social Security covers.  It covers disabilities like Austim, Mental Retardation, and physical handicaps.

  4. this is so much paperwork to fill out initially, believe me.  first of all it depends on how old your son is.  if he is under 16, then the payment go to you once he is assessed, if he is over 16, the payments go to him, unless he nomiates you as the reciever of the payments (which is what my son did).  the procedure is sort of the same.  first of all you need to ask soical security for the "disability" forms.  there will be a few different forms.  the main form ask you about the disability and at the end of it, there is a section where your son's doctor/specialist fills it out.  most doctors/specialist will charge you to fill it out.  then there will be a "income and asset" form, this form has to be filled out regardless of whether your son is 16 or under.  this form is about your money cirucumstances and has to be submitted with the disability form.  once these forms have been filled out, return them to social security (make a copy of each page, incase they lose them).  social security will then access your claim.  if the condition has been present for a certain time, they can back date the money (i think 18 months is the maximum).  once your son has been approved, the forms stand.  social security may ask you every 2 years to refill in the forms, depending on the disability.  in my case, i only had to fill out forms when my son was 4 and the payments were given to me until he was 16.  on turning 16, you have to fill out forms again, as in nsw 16 year olds are paid either disability or youth allowance, so you have to fill out 3 sets of forms, disability for your son, youth allowance for your son and once again income and assests for you.  only one payment will be made to your son, they will take the highest ie disability or yourh allowance,  with the disability, the doctor/specialist once again fills out the back of the form and then your son will have to go to an interview at the social security office with a counsellor to see if the doctor's diagnose is correct.  you have to supply bank statements, birth certifcate everything, it's a pain but worth it.  my son gets $600 a month and is in his last year of school.  the money pays for all the medication and doctor's fees and then i get an allowance for looking after him.  it is really worth it after the age of 16

  5. Go to your social security office and ask if you can file against either your ss# or the boy's father's ss# for disability.  They can tell you if he'd qualify.  They are the ONLY ones who can give you a valid answer.  @->--

  6. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a federal cash benefit that may be available if a person is disabled.  To start the application process you should contact the local Social Security Administration (SSA) office to schedule an appointment. To find the closest SSA office, phone 1-(800) 772-1213.

    An organization and legislation that you should know about for possible help with an ADHD child:

    The National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities (NICHCY) is a national information center for disability-related issues.


    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1990

    The AbilityOne Program formerly JWOD (Javits-Wagner-O'Day) at

    Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973

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