
How do I clean a Suzuki Outboard Carburator?

by  |  earlier

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It idle's fine, but in full throthle it acts as if one of the cylinders aren't getting fuel and bogs down. I have changed spark plugs, coil packs and wires, and have been told to clean the carburetor next, if that doesn't work to rebuild. So I was wanting to know how to clean the carburetor, since there is no one in St. Louis that works on suzuki's. The only one Inland Marine will no longer work on my suzuki as it is too hard to get parts for.




  1. I highly recommend that you take it to a Suzuki dealer. It is unusual for one of these to need cleaning.



  2. sounds like the high speed jet is blocked.....if youy want to do it your self....DONT!! will need a rebuild kit and new gaskets.   need to send it to a dealer...take it off the motor and mail it to the nearest one and ask for a rebuilt one

  3. you can get the gaskets on line for that one and the kit to rebuild it with,and they aren't that hard to re-build,you have to fully remove it though and completely dis-assemble it,then soak it in a really good carb cleaner for at least a day,then on putting it back together make sure to blow all the main jets out real good with compressed air and make sure they are all clean and free of dirt and debris before you start to put it back together,the kit comes with the float settings and all the needed parts to do this with,but don't loose anything for it,the small parts for that carburetor are really expensive,this will take you some time to do ,but you can do it if your mechanically inclined,and take your time with it,i rebuilt all mine on my boat and it has 4 carbs on it,they wanted 400 bucks to do mine with, the kits cost me around 60 bucks for all four carbs,and took me two days to get done,my boat is back to running like it should be,check on-line for the cheapest prices though i don't have  a good source for Suzuki parts,some of them are hard to find ,good luck with it,take your time when doing this though,each and every part in that carburetor is a needed part,if you loose one,it wont ever run right again.

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