
How do I clean a glass over dish?

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Hi! I have a glass over dish that has a bunch of little brown stains on it. Does anyone know how to get these off? Thanks!




  1. Brillo and elbow grease!

  2. Don't know what you mean by a "glass over dish".  Do you mean a Pyrex glass dish?  Have no idea what you mean.  In any case, for pretty much everything, did you try a Brillo pad on the stains or even a little Comet on a sponge?   That usually works.  If the stains are in the inside of the dish, maybe you can soak them for a bit in hot, soapy water.

  3. Brillo works great.  Lotsa work, but that's the only thing that gets the stains out.

  4. Do you mean glazed porcelain?

    If you do than it is probably cracked and some substance has been able to get underneath it.  I think it would be practically impossible to clean up easily without sanding down the area and repainting.

    Good Luck

    On reading your question again I think you may have meant that you have a glass OVEN dish with brown spots all over it.

    If this is what you meant then you should take some scouring paoder like clorox powder and sprinkle it on the area where the spots are.  Then take one of those metal curls scruberrs and start scrubbing real hard adding very little water, keep scrubbing at least for about fifty seconds .  Then rinse in cold water.  Repeat until you are satisfied with the results.

    I think this will help.

  5. About a cup of ammonia and VERY HOT WATER.  Just let it soak for about an hour (in a WELL VENTILATED AREA) and then scrub/wash with a plastic scrubbie (but you need to scrub it while the water is still warm so don't let it sit for more than an hour).

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