
How do I clean my guitar hero controller...some of the buttons dont work

by Guest62801  |  earlier

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Some of the frets buttons don't work if you hold them down for a long time.Also the strum bar wont work if you strum up.




  1. youll have to open it all up with a s***w drive but id rather buy a new one. i had the same problem

  2. Use a cocktail stick? That's what I use to clean my normal controllers :)

  3. Is it one of the wireless guitars with the detachable neck?  If so, it's possible that the contact points between the neck and body have worn out--the same thing happened with mine, the red button started working very intermittently, then the whole guitar stopped working completely.

    Best way to check is to take the neck off the guitar and look at the points where it makes contact with the body (the body will have several pins sticking up, the neck has little silver circles where those pins touch)--if there are worn spots on the contacts on the neck, you'll probably have to look at getting a new guitar.  Hope this helps, good luck!


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