
How do I clean my lungs?

by  |  earlier

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I just inhaled a load of black smoke from a fire and wonder if there is a good flush out, it was a dirty fire with metal in it.




  1. well, if you are having trouble breathing, you should get thee to a hospital.

    There is no way to "clean out" the lungs, people suffering from bad smoke inhalation are usually given supportive therapy like oxygen, asthma type inhalers, and occasionally steroids to reduce swelling and inflammation in the airways.

    The lungs, as with every organ system in the body,( are you paying attention e***a freaks and liver detoxifiers?)  do a pretty good job of keeping themselves clean...known in the trade as "pulmonary toilet"

    There are ciliated cells that line the airways whose only job is to move crud up to the top so you can cough it out.  There are also macrophages  ( a type of white blood cell) that basically eat crud.  The ciliated cells are damaged by chronic exposure to smoke or other toxins, and crud will build up in smokers lungs.  Most people who quit smoking will start coughing up crud about 6 months after they quit, as the ciliated cells re-appear.

  2. call the fire department or health center

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