
How do I clear a clogged drain??? Liquid Plumber isn't working!?

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We have a double sink vanity and a large garden tub in our master bath. I think we have a mondo huge clog (of something) in between all of the drains, and it just moves around between. We've tried everything! The sinks get completely clogged and the tub runs out slowly.

Liquid Plumber Gel has helped 'some', after 2 applications, the sinks are draining VERY slowly and fill up easily. The tub appears to be clear for the moment. We tried to snake the sink lines with the big metal snake, but once we got to the T where the pipes meet, we get resistance & it won't go any further. I don't know if it just won't go around the bend, or if there is something in there stopping it.

I don't really want to call a plumber, cuz it seems like the Liquid Plumber helped some---so it has to be working on something. Are we beating a dead horse? Any ideas are appreciated! Thanks!




  1. Close the drains in the sink and cover the overflow on the tub. Run cold water in the tub until you have an inch or so.Plunge the tub drain making sure you are forcing water down.By blocking the sink drains and overflow the force of the plunger has only one place to go.The clog.

  2. Buffered sulphuric acid should do the trick. Do NOT use muriatic, or hydrochloric acid. You should find some in a hardware store under several different names in the plumbing department. Just look for a heavy-for-its-size quart-size bottle and read the ingredients. The more water you allow to drain before using it the better it will do its job. Do NOT breathe the fumes, or let it splash on your clothes or skin. Also, if possible make sure there there is little to none of the Liquid Plumber left in the drain or pipes. There are also plumber's bladders of different sizes you can buy and put them in and then attach a garden hose. The smallest one is what you need. But if you have a double sink as you describe, you would probably need someone else to keep the other side tightly blocked and block the overflow holes on both sides or you may have a mess on your hands and possibly dirty water everywhere. You can, if need be, take the trap loose and use it there, and that may be best anyway.

  3. Find your outside cleanouts and push snake till you see it there then snake toward sewer,you will eventialy find it.

  4. It's like when you lost your virginity. Jam it in there, try different angles, just keeping jamming it, it'll go in and before you know it, it'll be all loosened up eventually. Also try different holes (clean outs)

  5. If you are going to use a plunger, make sure that all of the over flows in the sinks and tub are covered for a tighter seal.

  6. I would remove the P-Traps under the sinks and clean them out first - but be careful since you dumped liquid plumber down there.  Put a bucket under it and unscrew the nuts from the J bend and pull it apart.  Clean it out and clean out anything else you see in any of the connecting pipes.  Once you are sure it is clean  there, put it all back together - you should only have to tighten it hand tight, but maybe a quarter turn more with a set of channel lock pliers.  Next go to the tub and pull all the hair out of the drain.  You might have to use needle nose.  It is amazing how much hair can build up in there - a lot of it gets trapped right at the top of the drain.  If this clears the drains you are done.  If not, get the plunger out.  I suspect the sinks will be clear now but there might be a clog at the tub.  Seal up the overflow hole (where the drain control is located) with a wet rag and plunge at the drain.  You might want to have some water in the tub for the plunger to make a good seal.  The toilet plunger will work just fine for this.  Hope this clears it up for you.

  7. Try using a plunger, like the ones for the toilet, only smaller!

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