
How do I come out as bisexual in high school?

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I'm a sophomore in high school and I know I'm bi. Not confused, not curious, I know. I've come out to my friends and I can never come out to my parents, they wouldn't accept it. But i want to come out publicly, if i don't then I know it's gonna be h**l finding a guy, which is what I really want. I know, it's still gonna be hard, but how do I come out?




  1. Why should you have to come out?

    You're bi.

    Don't hide it, but don't make a big deal.

    If you show people it's not a big deal,

    they're more likely to follow.

    If you have a Facebook or something, just change you're "interested in" to "Men and women" instead of just Women.

    I mean, I live in a liberal town and nobody thinks twice about g*y or bi people, but I really think that my advice caelp.

    Good luck!


  2. come out to your family first before you come out to the public

    otherwise they'll learn from someone else and i can imagine that will be worse than telling them

    look for guys at your school if there's a guy students association in your school or anything like that

  3. Oh buddy, don't make a big deal out of it! Being g*y or bi isn't any worse than being straight. If your family members really love you (what I suppose) they will accept you just the way you are!

  4. I just told my friends and moved onto my parents which was realllllllllly hard but I had to anyways. A good way to begin finding a guy is to tell your friends your looking for someone and see if they know some people who are interested. If you've told your friends then you've done enough, now you just need them to promote yourself. And if you got a myspace change that **** too! But be warned, people still don't know that we bisexuals aren't the s*x crazed whores everyone thinks we are. There's a chance you'll get backlash and some mean stupid comments but stay strong.  

  5. i agree with Stepha,answer no. 2. I just dont see what good can come out of coming out at school. You are really opening yourself up to a whole pile of c**p you may not be ready to deal with. Please think about it a little longer.

  6. tell your parents because one day they will find out the hard way

  7. i don't think you should come out to your school. my friend is a bisexual guy and people talk so much c**p about him and i've seen him suffer and i wouldn't want anyone to go thru that. maybe your school is different though. idk but you should tell your family first and only your closest friends and then later on start telling other people that you are comfortable with.

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