
How do I comfort my daughter who did not make cheer team?

by  |  earlier

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She is 12 years old and her BEST friend made the team and she did not. Now she says, " I did not really want to do it". I know she is hurt and upset, how do I help her and make sure it does not come between her and her friend?




  1. Do what the others said, but also..find something that SHE can do.

    Maybe a different sport, or a different hobby, like an instrument.

    If she is an artist, then she can spend more time drawing/painting, and if she's a writer..she can write stories.

    Everyone has something.

    I just quit volleyball about a half hour ago because it wasn't for me, so now I'm going to pursue tap dancing..and I will work as hard as I can to be successful. =] Good luck!

  2. We've all been through it. Just maybe try out for another team, or go to someplace she likes like a theme park.

  3. This is a teachable moment. Life isn't always fair, things don't always turn out the way you'd like them to turn out. Just let her know that she is loved, and cherished and accepted as she is, and that there might be a next time.  

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